Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tribute to People with Attitude

Ok so I was watching Maggie Smith in the movie version of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and in all honesty I thought the movie and everything about it was really odd... and it annoyed me how Jean Brodie was martyred for enjoying her life even though she never did so at the expense of others but others tried to condemn her anyway. Also, the artist Teddy Lloyd that she had an affair with was never martyred, yet he was the worst of all. Yes like Jean he was a great lover of life or whatever but he, unlike her, did so at the expense of others. I have never read the book so I do not know if it was the same case in the book... but this was how it was in the movie which irritated me. The movie was however still worth seeing for the pure love of seeing Maggie Smith with her amazing acting and a whole lotta attitude. So it got me thinking about people with attitude and... well here we are.

The women of Harrison Fisher paintings:

Sibyl from "Fawlty Towers"

Ummm... let's see Maria Theresia of Austria (Marie Antoinette's mother)
Mary and Marshall from "In Plain Sight"

And representing the male symphonic metalist community we have Nightwish's Tuomas H. and Emppu V.


  1. maggie smith!!!! le amo muchiiiiiisimo!!!

    anyway ... fangirly squealing aside ...

    as far as enjoying life and attitude goes, you can get both in the mulder&sculy baseball scene
    (asasdfghjkl; i can't find a picture of it!!!!) you know what i'm talking about, right?

    IM me!!!

  2. hey, it's me again!! i found the picture i was talking about!!

    <3 x-files!!
    ily =)

  3. We almost watched the movie version in class, but we watched Atonement instead (by the by, a great and fabulous movie! You have to see it if you haven't already!) Anyways, unless you take AP Lang. then you'll probably end up reading the book (except I think Ms. S is swapping it with Mrs. Dalloway, I love Virginia Woolf!) So, then again you might not read it. But, I wasn't too fond of the book, it didn't provide a lot and the character of Miss Brodie was a little annoying and not professional at all. But, I also kinda liked her for not being professional. What I didn't like is that she used the girls. I hope you're having a great summer!

  4. I haven't seen the movie of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, but I hated the book. More like it was a love-hate relationship with that book. More hate than love, to be exact. I just could not continue reading it. It was like torture.

  5. um, tay, i think you just hate it xP i'm not sensing any love here ....
